Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part I WmEDI Package | WmEDI Util Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.edi.util:invoke
WmEDI. Executes the service identified by the input parameters.
The service you want to invoke must be defined in the Integration Server_directory\instances\$instance_name\packages\WmEDI\config\services.cnf file.
Input Parameters
String The name of the folder and subfolders in which the service you want to execute is located. For example, the wm.b2b.edi.util.
You can specify the full path for a service in the format of folder.subfolder:service, for example, wm.b2b.edi.util:ctlNumber. If you use this format, do not specify service.
String (optional) The name of the service that you want to execute, for example, ctlNumber.
If you specified the full path for the service in interface, do not specify anything for service.
Document Information you want passed to the service. This data will be the data in the pipeline when the service is invoked.
Output Parameters
Document Information that the invoked service returns.