Module for EDI 9.12 | Understanding EDI Concepts | EDI Documents in Business Processes | How EDI Documents are Passed to a Business Process
How EDI Documents are Passed to a Business Process
For an EDI document to be used in a business process, Trading Networks must send the document to the Process Engine.
First Trading Networks does its own processing (document recognition and performing the actions defined by a processing rule). Then, if the Trading Networks system attribute ConversationID has a value, Trading Networks passes the document to the Process Engine.
The following diagram illustrates the steps taken to send an EDI document to the Process Engine for processing. For more information, see the table after the diagram.
When Trading Networks receives an EDI document, it passes the EDI document to the EDI recognizer. The EDI recognizer parses the inbound EDI document.
For each interchange segment, the EDI recognizer retrieves the appropriate EDITPA to determine the split option to use for the EDI document. The EDI recognizer splits the EDI document into the appropriate documents (i.e., Transaction, Group, and Interchange documents). For more information about how EDI documents are split, see Processing Inbound EDI Documents.
The EDI recognizer submits the newly formed documents (Transaction, Group, or Interchange) to Trading Networks for processing. The EDI recognizer uses the TN document types to determine the type of document. After recognizing the type of document using TN document types, the EDI recognizer forms a BizDocEnvelope for the EDI document and sets the ConversationID system attribute in the BizDocEnvelope. For more information about the value used for the Conversation ID, see Conversation IDs for EDI Documents.
After forming the BizDocEnvelope, Trading Networks determines the processing rule to use to process the document and executes the processing rule. When you have a document that you plan to process using a business process, you will typically either 1) set up the processing rule to ignore the document -or- 2) not define a processing rule for the document causing Trading Networks to select the Default processing rule, which ignores the document.
Because the ConversationID system attribute contains a value, Trading Networks passes the document to the Process Engine. The Process Engine either starts a new business process based on a process model that you have designed or determines the running business process that the document is to join.