Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part I WmEDI Package | WmEDI Core Services | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess
WmEDI. Processes the envelopes in an inbound non-TRADACOMS EDI document. Accepts an inbound EDI document, converts the envelope header segments (ISA/IEA, GS/GE, UNB/UNZ, UNG/UNE) to IData objects, and leaves the body of each constituent EDI document unprocessed.
If the document is not considered large, the document body remains beneath the transaction set header as an "unDefData" (undefined data) String. If the document is considered large, a pipeline with an "_RID_" (reservation ID) pointer is created, referring to the document in temporary storage. For more information about large document handling, see the webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.
While processing the envelope, the service optionally can validate the envelope against the predefined flat file schema for non-TRADACOMS documents. It also can perform compliance checks against the interchanges if specified.
Input Parameters
String or InputStream The EDI document input to process. The data type is determined by the content handler associated with the inbound document. Input should not include manual line breaks.
String (optional) Whether you want to validate the envelopes against a predefined flat file schema.
Validate the envelope against the predefined flat file schema and report all errors in errorArray. This is the default.
Do not validate the envelope.
String (optional) This parameter validates the last delimiter of a record. strictValidate parameter is a subset of validate parameter.
Validate the last delimiter.
Do not validate the last delimiter. This is the default.
String (optional) Whether you want to perform a compliance check against the interchange.
Perform a compliance check. The processEnvelope service stops executing after encountering the first error. This is the default.
Do not perform the compliance check.
String (optional) A flat file schema that overrides the predefined flat file schema that validate uses. If the value is invalid, the output parameters errorArray and lastError will contain error information.
To specify a flat file schema for the EDI envelope, copy the flat file schema from the wm.b2b.edi.EDIFFSchema folder and modify its validation criteria. If you have changed the envelope structure, the Module for EDI might not correct the compliance variation.
Output Parameters
Document The resulting IData object with envelope segments expanded. The transaction set contents will remain as unparsed Strings in the pipeline or held in temporary storage.
String Whether the validation or compliance check resulted in error.
If the validate is true, validation errors can be retrieved from errorArray. Otherwise, it indicates errors from compliance check.
No errors.
String The standard to which your EDI document adheres, e.g., X12 or UNEDIFACT.
Document List Array of error messages.
Usage Notes
*Besides serving as an envelope validation and compliance check service, this is the first in a series of conversion services you should invoke within a larger flow to turn each EDI transaction set into an autonomous, pure IS document (IData object). After it is in pure IData format, a transaction set can be individually validated, mapped, manipulated, etc.
*If you are working with non-EDI flat files, do not use this service for processing. Instead, see Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.
*If the schema structure specified does not reflect the EDI envelope structure, the validation will fail.