webMethods EDI Module 6.5.2 Enhancements and Fixes

June 2006

This file provides important information about enhancements and fixes in webMethods EDI Module 6.5.2. For information about enhancements and fixes in previous webMethods EDI Module releases, see the readme for those releases.


1.0 Fixes and Service Packs Included in this Release

2.0 Enhancements

3.0 Resolved Issues

4.0 Terminology Changes

5.0 Added and Removed Services and APIs

6.0 Enhancements and Fixes in Previous Release

1.0 Fixes and Service Packs Included in this Release

webMethods EDI Module 6.5.2 includes the following fixes and service packs that were shipped since the last release.

-  WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix1

-  WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix2

-  WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix3

-  WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix4

-  WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix5

-  WmEDIforTN_6-5_SP1_Fix1

-  WmEDIforTN_6-5_SP1_Fix2

-  WmEDI_6-5_SP1

For detailed information on these fixes and service packs for webMethods EDI Module, see the Knowledge Base on the webMethods Advantage Web site.

2.0 Enhancements

webMethods EDI Module 6.5.2 includes the following enhancements:

Provide full support for the TRADACOMS EDI standard.
In this release, the EDI Module supports data recognition, parsing and conversion, control number validation, and batch processing for TRADACOMS data.

Change the EDI Document type ID to a static ID.
The EDI Document type ID is now replaced by a static ID.

Support FA reporting queries by time criteria.
When generating functional acknowledgment (FA) reports, you can query specific time criteria in addition to date criteria.

Improve EDI performance when generating functional acknowledgments for large EDI documents.

This fix addresses performance and out-of-memory problems when processing large EDI files.

ODETTE FA support.

With this fix, the EDI Module generates an ODETTE FA correctly.

UNEDIFACT Group support.

The EDI Module provides services to generate UNG and UNE segments for outbound UNEDIFACT documents.

EDI status attributes enhancement.
The EDI Module sets functional acknowledgment and control number status at the transaction level.

EDI related document labels.
Enables the Transaction Analysis screen of the Trading Networks Console to display related documents with labels that identify the relationship between the related documents, e.g., “Envelope – Group” or “Group – Transaction.”

3.0 Resolved Issues

The issues listed below have been addressed in this release.

1-111FYZ  (WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix1)
Migrating EDI custom packages adds undefined variables.
This fix removes the parameter EDIFFSchema from the output pipeline produced by the wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess service.

1-11RAGL  (WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix2)
EDI migration utility fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException for a 4.6 template migrated to a 6.5 flat file schema.
This fix enables the migration process to function correctly when migrating a template that contains a <LOOP> with no <SEG-ID> child elements.

1-12KDMN  (WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix3 and WmEDIforTN_6-5_SP1_Fix2)
The ANSI X12 dictionary wm.b2b.edi.EDIFFSchema:Dictionary is missing some I05 code list values.
This fix adds new values to the I05 code list.

1-125AFX  (WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix3)
Field 001a of the wm.b2b.edi.EDIFFSchema:Dictionary does not support value UNOC.
This fix adds new values to the 001a code list.

1-13RM19  (WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix4)
In 6.5 SP1, the service wm.b2b.edi.util.FA:lite997 ignores the EDI_delimiters parameter.
This fix enables the wm.b2b.edi.util.FA:lite997 service to accept the user-specified EDI_delimiters in the output.

1-13YU0N  (WmEDI_6-5_SP1_Fix4)
Add the sortInput flag to the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString service.
This flag determines whether the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString service sorts the input records to match the flat file schema specified in ffSchema.This fix adds the input parameter sortInput to the wm.b2b.edi:convertToString service. This input is used as a flag and behaves in the same manner as the sortInput flag on the pub.flatFile:convertToValues service in webMethods Flat File Adapter 6.1.

1-11GAV0  (WmEDIforTN_6-5_SP1_Fix1)
The internal IDs of some EDI document types are inconsistent from version to version of the webMethods EDI Module.
When installing a new EDI document type from the WmEDI home page it is possible that the newly installed document type will overwrite an existing EDI document type that was created using an older version of the webMethods EDI module. With this fix applied, an EDI Document type ID is replaced with a static ID, thus resolving the problem. All existing EDI document types will continue to use their existing internal ID. No existing processing rules or EDI document types will be impacted by this fix. Only EDI document types created after applying this fix will be created using the new static ID generation scheme.

Automatically-generated functional acknowledgment does not pad leading zeros for X12 control numbers.
This fix adds a new flag to the wm.b2b.edi.util:generateFA service, called ctlNumberWleadingZero, which adds leading zeros to the interchange control numbers to make them nine-digit numbers.

1-XTDAF  (WmEDI_4-6_Fix19)
The wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess cannot process X12 data containing an SER segment.
The wm.b2b.edi:processEnvelope service interprets an SER segment as an SE segment. This fix changes the envelopeProcess service to correctly handle SER segments.

1-10K8BA  (WmEDI_6-0-1_Fix27)
Change the length constraint for SE01 element in wm.b2b.edi:Dictionary.
This fix modifies the length constraint to allow ANSI X12 data of different versions to pass validation.

1-10M1H6  (WmEDIforTN_6-1_Fix27)
Add new functionality to disable conversation ID extraction.
This fix adds a new configuration property, called disableCIDSupport, which disables the extraction of conversation IDs when set to true.

Change the default of the spacePad parameter for the pub.flatfile:convertToString service to "none".
In this release, the default value of the spacePad parameter changes from "left" to "none".

1-12QHC3  (WmEDIforTN_6-1_SP1_Fix5)
Special character is not parsed correctly.
If an EDI document submitted to Trading Networks cannot be encoded using the default encoding (UTF-8 or the value specified in the EDIencoding system parameter), the encoding specified in the file.encoding system parameter will be used to convert the incoming EDI document from bytes to a string.

EDI Release character issue.

With this fix, the EDI Module will recognize the correct control number if it contains an EDI release character.

Generated ODETTE Functional Acknowledgements return wrong segment counts.
With this fix, the generated ODETTE functional acknowledgment returns the correct segment counts.

wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service returns NPE on invalid (empty) X12 data.
This fix resolves the problem.

1-WXTC5  (WmEDIforTN_6-1_Fix23)
EDI batch delivery leaves temporary files in the tspace folder.
With this fix, EDI batch delivery will not leave temporary files in the tspace folder.

Functionality to extract the Conversation ID is restored.
The fix restores the ability to extract the conversation ID, assuming that the user has installed the WmPRT package.

4.0 Terminology Changes


5.0 Added and Removed Services and APIs

This release contains the following changes to built-in services and the APIs.

 5.1 Added Services and APIs

The following services and APIs have been added in this release.

Converts an IS document (IData object) to a String based on a flat file schema that you specify.

Converts an InputStream or String (i.e., a TRADACOMS file) to an IS document (IData object) based on the input flat file schemas.

Use this service to add message segments to the tradacomsTransmission object that the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.compose:startTradacomsTransmission service returned.

Use this service to create an END segment for a transmission.

Use this service to create a batch (BAT) segment for a transmission.

Use this service to create an STX segment for a transmission. This service returns a TRADACOMS transmission object.

Returns a Trading Networks bizDocEnvelope content part object that represents the requested content part.

Returns information about the detail messages in a TRADACOMS file that is contained in a Trading Networks bizDocEnvelope.

Returns the document input stream of a TRADACOMS file that is contained in a bizDocEnvelope.

Returns the names of the flat file schemas that can be used to parse the parts of a TRADACOMS file.

Determines whether a BizDocEnvelope contains a TRADACOMS File document.

Splits a flat file schema that the wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse service created for a TRADACOMS file into multiple flat file schemas: one flat file schema per message in the file.

For outbound EDI documents, adds a group envelope (UNG and UNE segments) according to the UN/EDIFACT standard and its sub-standards ODETTE and EANCOM.

5.2 Removed Services and APIs

The following services and APIs have been moved from this release to the Knowledge Base Samples area on the webMethods Advantage Web site.

Creates the partner profiles and TN document type for the sample, if they do not exist.

Installs the TN document types that are needed for the EDI documents used in the sample.

Installs the TN document types that are needed for XML documents used in the sample.

Sets up the profiles for partners in the sample.

Takes an EDI X12 4010 850 and generates an 855 in response.

Transmits a 997 document to the receiver trading partner.

Creates a 997 document in response to an X12 Envelope.

Sends an EDI 855 document to the sender trading partner.

Used to represent where envelope processing would occur in a business process.

Retrieves the BizDocEnvelopes for events that occurred in a business process.

The service places a variable in the pipeline that alters the way in which conversation IDs are constructed for EDI documents.

Determines whether a 997 should be sent in response to a document.

Retrieves the BizDocEnvelopes for events that occurred in business process.

Checks the system to determine whether the sample is configured properly.

Alternate receive method that first calls wm.b2b.editn.sample.util:enable, and then wm.tn:receive.

Deliver BizDocEnvelopes from one trading partner to another.

This is a placeholder service to represent the processing of a 997 done by the sender.

This is a placeholder service to represent the logging of an outbound 850 message done by the sender.

Sends an X12 envelope containing an EDI 850 document to a trading partner.

Generates an X12 envelope containing an EDI 850 document.

Placeholder to represent business logic that is executed when an 855 document is received.

Starts the sample. Creates an XML Purchase Order document that is submitted to Trading Networks.

Illustrates how to convert an EDI document into a different format (in this cases, an XML PO).

Parses out the date from YYMMDD or YYYYMMDD to pipeline variables.

Illustrates how to convert an X12 4010 850 document to an XML String.

All of the services in this folder (not listed individually) are used to map ANSI X12 segments to XML targets.

Illustrates how to convert a character-delimitered flat file to an IData object using the flat file and template as input.

Illustrates how to convert a positional flat file to an IData object using the flat file and template as input. The flat file was created with Microsoft Excel.

Illustrates how to convert a positional flat file to an IData object using the flat file and template as input. The flat file was created with Microsoft Excel.

Maps an XML PO to an ANSI X12 4010 850 EDI document.

Converts the date and time format based on input specifications.

Appends an IData object that represents a segment to an array of IData objects.

Truncates an input String to specified length.

Converts an input XML document into an IData object and maps the IData object into a String that represents an EDI document.

Replaces the control characters (such as carriage return, line feed, tab, etc.) with the specified String.

Maps an XML document equivalent to a BEG segment to an IData object that represents a BEG segment.

Maps an XML document equivalent to a DTM segment to an IData object that represents a DTM segment.

Maps an XML document equivalent to an FOB segment to an IData object that represents an FOB segment.

Maps an XML document equivalent to a GS segment to an IData object that represents a GS segment.

Maps an XML document equivalent to an ISA segment to an IData object that represents an ISA segment.

Maps an XML document equivalent to a N1 segment to an IData object that represents a N1 segment.

Maps an input XML source line item to ANSI X12 850 PO1 and CTT segment.

Creates REF segment loop for ANSI X12 850 transaction sets.

Creates TD5 segment loop for ANSI X12 850 transaction sets.

Creates TXI segment loop for ANSI X12 850 transaction sets.

Brief description of service.

Gets properties defined in the partner’s configuration file.

Reads the input file as an InputStream and invokes the wm.EDIINT:send service.

6.0 Enhancements and Fixes in Previous Release

To view information about the previous release of webMethods EDI Module, see the previous readme on the webMethods Bookshelf.

