Module for AS4 Version 10.1.May 2019 | Understanding and Using webMethods AS4 Module | Installing and Using AS4 Module | Configuring Module for AS4 | Configuring Optional Features | Configuring Error Handling
Configuring Error Handling
When you want Module for AS4 to report errors, configure the error handling TPA parameters in the requestUM or replyUM leg for a user message and in the requestSM leg for a pull signal.
*To configure error handling
1. In My webMethods: Applications > Administration > Integration > B2B > Trading Partner Agreements > Trading Partner Agreement Details.
2. Select the TPA for which you want to configure error handling.
3. In the TPA Data panel, configure the errorHandling/report parameters as follows:
a. senderErrorsTo Address or comma-separated list of addresses to which to send the ebMS errors that are generated by the sending MSH.
b. receiverErrorsTo Address or comma-separated list of addresses to which to send the ebMS errors that are generated by the receiving MSH.
c. asResponse Select if processing errors at the receiver end are reported on the back channel of erroneous messages. Specify one of the following:
*true—Errors are reported on the back channel. This is the default.
*false—Errors are reported to the receiverErrorsTo address.
d. missingReceiptNotifyProducer Whether an error signal notification is generated and sent to the producer when a receipt is not received from the partner for the message sent. The error message is sent to the address configured in the senderErrorsTo parameter.
*false—Error reports are not generated. This is the default.
*true—Error reports are generated.
In the requestUM leg, when missingReceiptNotifyProducer is set to true, sendReceipt must be set to true and replyPattern can be set to response or callback. Where, for response: no additional settings are required and for callback: set replyTo and replyPattern.
*For One-Way/Push, either response or callback can be set.
*For One-Way/Pull, only callback can be set.
*For Two-Way/Push-Pull, only response can be set.
missingReceiptNotifyProducer cannot be configured in the replyUM leg.
Bundling of multiple errors within a single message is supported.