Module for AS4 Version 10.1.May 2019 | Understanding and Using webMethods AS4 Module | Installing and Using AS4 Module | Configuring Module for AS4 | Configuring Optional Features | Configuring Empty Conversation ID
Configuring Empty Conversation ID
Allows empty conversation ID. allowEmptyConversationId parameter is added in com.wm.estd.as4.documents.pmode:PMode document. By default, this parameter is not set. If the value is not set for this parameter in the Trading Partner Agreement, then the property as4.message.emptyConversationId is used.
Empty conversation Id is allowed.
Empty conversation Id is not allowed.
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Trading Partner Agreements >Trading Partner Agreement Details
2. Select the TPA for which you want to configure compression.
3. In the TPA data panel, configure the allowEmptyConversationId parameter.