Module for AS4 Version 10.1.May 2019 | Understanding and Using webMethods AS4 Module | Installing and Using AS4 Module | Concepts | Messaging Model | Message Exchange Patterns | Two-Way/Sync MEP
Two-Way/Sync MEP
This MEP is used to synchronously exchange messages between two trading partners. The initiating MSH sends a user message as a request to the responding MSH. The responding MSH replies with a user message to the initiating MSH.
The reply must refer to the request.
The initiating MSH sends a user message as a request to the responding MSH.
The responding MSH sends a user message as a reply.
When using Two-Way/Sync, Module for AS4 can play the role of initiating or responding MSH. The role played by the MSH will depend on whether you want to send a user message as a request or reply.