Module for AS4 Version 10.1.May 2019 | Understanding and Using webMethods AS4 Module | Installing and Using AS4 Module | Built-In Services | Summary of Elements for the WmAS4 Package | wm.ip.estd.as4.peppol:getReceiverDetails
Retrieves the endpoint address and recipient certificate of the recipient Peppol participant. This service retrieves the details of both production and test participants.
When you enable as4.peppol.proxy.enable property and do not configure the default HTTP proxy server in Integration server, you must set the HTTP proxy alias server for the as4.peppol.proxyAlias property in the configuration file located here: <Install_Dir>\IntegrationServer\instances<Instance_Name>\packages\WmAS4\config\config.cnf.
Input Parameters
String. Peppol participant identifier. For example, 9915:test.
String. Retrives the details of the participants. Valid values are:
*true. Retrieves the details from production environment.
*false. Retrieves the details from test environment.
Document List. Document to be exchanged. The list of profile names of various document types. If any of the document type is not available, then provide the corresponding Peppol document type identifier value.
Document List. List of the Peppol process identifier value. If any of the process identifier is not available, then provide the input as {Peppol Identifier Scheme}::{Peppol Identifier Value}.
For example, if cenbii-procid-ubl is the Peppol Identifier Scheme and urn: is the Peppol Identifier Value, then the processIdentifier value must be cenbii-procid-ubl::urn:
Output Parameters
String. The endpoint recipient URL.
String. Holds the complete signing X509 certificate of the recipient access point. A byte array that represents the signing X509 certificate (a
String. A human-readable description of the endpoint.
String. The activation date of the endpoint. A missing activation date must be interpreted as valid since forever.
String. The expiration date of the endpoint. A missing expiration date must be interpreted as valid until eternity.
String. Represents a link to human readable contact information. It can be an email address.
String. A URL to human-readable documentation. For example, a website contains XML Schemas, WSDLs, Schematrons, and other relevant resource links.