ACH Module Version 6.1.September 2006 | Understanding and Using webMethods ACH Module | Installing and Using ACH Module | Sending and Receiving ACH Files | Sending and Receiving ACH Files without Trading Networks | Sending ACH Files without Trading Networks | Step 1: Create and Queue a Batch
Step 1: Create and Queue a Batch
Complete the following steps in Developer to create and populate a batch with entries.
*To create a batch
1. Create an empty batch using the wm.ach.batch:createBatch service.
2. In a loop, create entries and add the entries to a batch:
a. Typically the send process involves the receipt of some type of data; for example, an Integration Server client might have sent payment information. This data might not be in ACH format. Create logic to map the data to ACH format. This mapping is referred to as outbound mapping. To help you with the outbound mapping, ACH Module provides IS document types that define the structure of the ACH entries. The IS document types reside in the wm.ach.record folder within the WmACH package.
b. After creating an ACH-formatted entry, use the wm.ach.batch:appendEntry service to add the entry to the batch.
3. After all entries have been added to the batch, add the batch to the queue with the wm.ach.queue:queueBatch service.
4. At this point the batch is queued in the persistence medium.
5. For an example of a flow service that creates and populates a batch, see the service in Developer.