What Is a Trading Partner Agreement?
A Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) is a set of parameters that you can use to govern how business documents are exchanged between your enterprise and 1SYNC. A TPA contains transaction-dependent information, such as the transport protocol to use to conduct transactions, whether to validate an outbound business document before sending it to 1SYNC, and so on. A TPA augments Trading Networks profiles and offers a flexible way to process and manage transactions between your enterprise and 1SYNC.
You must define a TPA with 1SYNC to exchange business documents with 1SYNC. If you do not define a TPA for document exchange with 1SYNC, the 1SYNC Module will use the default TPA, which was created in Trading Networks when you installed the 1SYNC Module, to govern transactions with 1SYNC.
Every TPA is uniquely identified by a sender ID, a receiver ID, and an agreement ID. It is not the individual attribute that must be unique but the combination of attributes that must be unique. For example, you can have two TPAs with the same sender ID and receiver ID but a different agreement ID.
For more information about TPAs, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.