WebSphere MQ Adapter 6.5 | webMethods WebSphere MQ Adapter Documentation | webMethods WebSphere MQ Adapter Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | About the WebSphere MQ Adapter | Adapter Services
Adapter Services
Put Services
Get Services
Peek Services
Request/Reply Services
Inquire Queue Manager/Queue Services
PCF Command Services
Adapter services enable you to connect to the adapter's resource and initiate an operation on the resource from Integration Server.
You call adapter services from flow services or Java services to interact with queues. WebSphere MQ Adapter services perform messaging services, and Integration Server uses the adapter connections to execute the adapter services.
Adapter services are based on templates provided with WebSphere MQ Adapter. Each template represents a specific technique for doing work on a resource, such as using the Put template to deliver a message to a specified queue.
An adapter service template contains all the code necessary for interacting with the resource but without the data specifications. You provide these specifications when you configure a new adapter service.
Configuring a new service from an adapter service template is straightforward. Using Designer, you assign the service a default adapter connection.
If you are using the adapter with Integration Server 8.0 SP1 or earlier, adapter services cannot use connections that are also used for adapter listeners.
After you select the connection for the adapter service, you select the adapter service template and supply the data specifications, including the mapping of data types from the adapter to or from your adapter resource. You use Designer to configure the adapter service. For more information, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
WebSphere MQ Adapter provides the following adapter service templates:
Adapter Service
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Put Service
Opens a session to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager and delivers a message to a specified queue.
Get Service
Opens a session to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager and retrieves a message from a specified queue.
Peek Service
Opens a session to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager and retrieves a copy of a message without removing the original message from a specified queue.
Request/Reply Service
Opens a session to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager. This service delivers a message to a specified queue and retrieves a corresponding response from the sent message.
Inquire Queue Manager/Queue Service
Opens a session to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager. This service queries the queue manager and queue properties.
PCF Command service
Opens a session to a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager. This service issues Programmable Command Format (PCF) commands to the queue manager for execution. It retrieves and parses the PCF command responses.