WebSphere MQ Adapter 6.5 | webMethods WebSphere MQ Adapter Documentation | webMethods WebSphere MQ Adapter Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Connections | Configuring SSL Connections | Configuring SSL Connections Using an SSL Keystore File | Step 2: Apply Private and Public Keys | Applying the Public Key to Integration Server
Applying the Public Key to Integration Server
Each private key assigned to a Queue Manager will have a corresponding public key. Assign the corresponding public key to Integration Server. If the public key is not supplied by the CA, you can generate one from a private key using any Certificate Management Tool.
*To apply the public key to Integration Server
1. Import the public key certificate into the lib\security\cacerts file of the Integration Server jvm. You can import the certificate using a java keytool utility (-import option).
2. Ensure that the path of cacerts file and the password are included as jvm parameters in the server.bat file.
For example:
This step might not be required for all jvms.