Adapter for Terracotta 10.5 | webMethods Adapter for Terracotta Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Terracotta Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Configuring Update Service
Configuring Update Service
An Update service updates an existing record in a dataset and includes a mapping for output field that stores the result of service execution. You can configure Adapter for Terracotta services using Designer. For more information about adapter services, see Using Adapter Services.
Read the section Before Managing Adapter Services, before you configure adapter services.
*To configure an adapter service using the Update template
1. In Designer, right-click the folder in which the service is to be contained and select New > Adapter Service.
2. Select the parent namespace, type a name for the adapter service, and click Next.
3. Select webMethods Adapter for Terracotta as the adapter type and click Next.
4. Select the appropriate Adapter Connection Name and click Next.
5. From the list of available templates, select the Update template and click Finish.
The adapter service editor for the selected adapter service appears. You can select the Adapter Settings tab at any time to confirm adapter service properties such as the Adapter Name, Adapter Connection Name, and Adapter Service Template as necessary.
6. Select the Dataset tab to the following fields:
Field Description/Action
Dataset Name
Specify the name of the dataset in TCStore.
Key Type
Specifies the key type which is auto populated based on the selected dataset.
Input Key Type
Specify the input key type.
Sampling Limit
Specify the number of records to be scanned to the metadata of the cells. These cell definitions are listed in the Update tab.
The Input values are integers and it should be greater than 0.
For example, if you provide sampling range as 10, then the service scans 10 records of the selected dataset and displays the cell definition for those 10 records.
IS Document Reference
Specify the IS Document namespace.
The IS Document reference is of format: folder1.folder2:Documentname
7. Use the Update tab to define the cell definitions using the following fields:
a. Use the icon to create a new row as needed. You can use the icon to fill in all cell definitions to the table that are retrieved after scanning the dataset for the specified Sampling Limit. Additionally, the second table will have the below fields with respect to the provided IS Document in the Dataset tab and the fields for the third table can be entered manually.
Use the following fields:
Cell Name
Specifies the cell name in the record of a dataset.
Cell Type
Specifies the cell type in the record of a dataset.
The supported data types are: INT, LONG, DOUBLE, STRING, CHAR, BOOL(Boolean), BYTES(byte array).
Input Field
Specifies the input field name.
Input Field Type
Specifies the data type of the input field.
Cell Operation
Specify the operation that needs to be performed on the cell.
You can perform the following operations:
*UPSERT: Inserts a new cell or updates the value in the existing cell.
*DELETE: Deletes the existing cell.
Be sure to have unique cells across the tables in the Update tab.
8. To verify input or output information for the service, use the Input/Output tab as required.
The below field is auto generated under input section of Input/Output tab:
Specify the key of a record.
Specifies the document which contains fields that needs to be updated.
Specify the dataset name. Optional field, where the specified value overrides the configured value in the Dataset tab.
The below field is auto generated under output section of Input/Output tab:
Specifies the result of the service. It can either be true or false.
9. From the File menu, select Save.