Adapter for Terracotta 10.5 | webMethods Adapter for Terracotta Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Terracotta Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter | Adapter Services | Adapter Service Processing
Adapter Service Processing
The following diagram illustrates how Adapter for Terracotta processes adapter services at run time.
An Integration Server client, typically using a flow or Java service, invokes a Adapter for Terracotta service on Integration Server to perform an operation on a TCStore.
You configured the adapter service earlier using Designer.
The adapter service gets a connection from the service's connection pool.
Adapter connections contain connection information of the TCStore.
The adapter service uses the TCStore Client API to connect to TCStore.
All adapter services performs the CRUD operation against a dataset in TCStore.
*For Insert, Delete, Upsert, and Query services, the adapter service performs the corresponding operation against the dataset in TCStore.
Depending on the adapter service type, such as a Query service, the adapter service may return data to Integration Server.
*If the operation is successful, the service returns the output from the Client jar API, if applicable.
*If the operation is unsuccessful, the service returns an error such as an Adapter Exception. If the TCStore throws an exception while performing the adapter service's operation, the adapter logs the exception in the Integration Server log.