Siebel Adapter 6.0 SP3 | webMethods Siebel Adapter Documentation | webMethods Siebel Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Siebel-To-webMethods Communication | EAI webMethods Transports | Example Transport Invocation Function
Example Transport Invocation Function
This example function invokes the SyncISInvoke transport. Each time an Insert service adds a record to the Contact business component, the function sends the record's first and last names to Integration Server.
1. function BusComp_WriteRecord ()
2. {
3. // When an Insert service adds a record into Siebel, send the
4. // contact's First Name and Last Name to Integration Server.
6. var inpts = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
7. var otpts = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
9. inpts.SetProperty("server","localhost:5555");
10. inpts.SetProperty("userName","Administrator");
11. inpts.SetProperty("password","manage");
12. inpts.SetProperty("folderName","myFolder");
13. inpts.SetProperty("useSSL","No");
14. inpts.SetProperty("delimiter",":");
15. inpts.SetProperty("serviceName", "receiveContactInfo");
17. var inputData = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
18. inputData.SetProperty("Last Name",this.GetFieldValue("Last Name"));
19. inputData.SetProperty("First Name",this.GetFieldValue("First Name"));
20. inpts.AddChild(inputData);
22. var oBS = TheApplication().GetService("EAI webMethods Transports");
23. oBS.InvokeMethod("SyncISInvoke", inpts, otpts);
25. // Retrieve the invocation status, and message.
26. var st = otpts.GetProperty("status");
27. var msg = otpts.GetProperty("message");
28. // Retrieve the property set containing the data returned by the
29. // Integration Server.
30. var data = otpts.GetChild(0);
32. }
In this example, note that:
*Line 6 creates the input property set that the function will use to send input data to Integration Server.
*Line 7 creates the output property set that the function will use to receive output data from Integration Server.
*Lines 9-15 define the inputs of the input property set.
*Line 17 assigns the input property set as the value of the transport's inputData parameter.
*Lines 18-19 pass the first and last names of the new contact to the property set.
*Line 20 creates the child property set containing data.
*Lines 22-23 invoke the SyncISInvoke transport.
*Lines 26-27 retrieve the status and message variables from the output property set. These variables are contained in the parent Siebel property set.
*Lines 30 retrieves the child property set from the output property set. The child property set contains the data returned from Integration Server.