Adapter for Salesforce 8.2 | webMethods Adapter for Salesforce Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Salesforce Installation and User’s Documentation | Logging and Exception Handling | Adapter Error Codes
Adapter Error Codes
This section lists the Adapter for Salesforce error codes and provides information on the message, reason, and possible action for each error.
Error Code
Resource Connection Exception.
Explanation: This message is displayed either when there is an error while connecting to or when the login request encounters an API fault with INVALID_SESSION_ID for the current user.
Action: No user intervention required. The adapter will automatically try to reset the connection pool.
Register Resource Domain Exception.
Explanation: There is an error while trying to register the resource domains for the adapter. This exception is due to the occurrence of an error either while trying to create a new adapter service or while loading the metadata information for any existing adapter service.
Action: If the exception occurs even after a retry, contact Software AG Global Support.
Unable to describe global types. exception_message.
Explanation: The adapter is unable to get the list of available Salesforce objects.
Action: Ensure that the connection parameters are valid, and then retry the operation.
Unable to describe sObject_list.exception_message.
Explanation: The adapter is unable to describe one or more Salesforce objects requested in the describeSObjects() call.
Action: Ensure that the connection parameters are valid, and then retry the operation.
Please be sure that you have a valid username and password.
Explanation: Incorrect username or password specified.
Action: The user should either use a different set of login credentials or use the correct credentials.
Your password has expired.
Explanation: An expired password was used to log in to This error can also occur when the adapter tries to log in again to keep the session alive, but the password has expired.
Action: Specify a different set of login credentials or get the password renewed by
API Fault occurred while executing the call [API_call_name], Code: exception_code, Message: exception_message.
Explanation: There is a fault in the indicated API Web service call. The exception code and message thrown by the call are reported.
Action: Retry the call after making the appropriate changes as specified by the API.
Unknown utility service: service_name.
Explanation: This error occurs while trying to execute a utility service that is not implemented.
Action: This error indicates that an unknown utility API is trying to execute via the indicated Utility Operation adapter service.
Contact Software AG Global Support, and report the error.
Error occurred while trying to get the resource domain values for service: service_name and resource domain:domain_name.
Explanation: Resource domain lookup failed for the indicated adapter service and resource domain.
Action: Ensure that the connection parameters are valid, and then retry the operation.
No output type description available for service service_name.
Explanation: Unknown or unhandled type description encountered for the indicated adapter service.
Action: Contact Software AG Global Support, and report the error.
Service Exception thrown while executing the call [adapter_service_operation].
Explanation: Service exception thrown while executing the adapter service.
Action: Check the error logs for more information, and take the necessary action.
Remote Exception occurred during the execution of [adapter_service_operation].
Explanation: Remote exception thrown when an error occurs while the indicated adapter service is communicating with
Action: Check the error logs for more information, and take the necessary action.
Mandatory input missing.
Explanation: This error occurs when you do not specify the required input for the adapter service.
Action: Rerun the adapter service and specify the required input.
Unable to map the value [value] to type [data_type]. Message: exception_message.
Explanation: This error occurs when the adapter tries to map the indicated value to a supported data type. The specific exception message is reported.
Action: Contact Software AG Global Support, and report the error.
Invalid Argument passed for the field [input_field] while invoking [web_service] service.
Explanation: This error occurs when an invalid value is specified for the indicated input field while invoking a Web service.
Action: Specify a correct value to the input field, and then retry the operation.
The library files required for enabling the compression functionality are missing.
Explanation: The jar files required by the adapter to enable compression in the SOAP request and response messages are missing.
Action: See the instructions in Configuring a Connection.
Input parameter mismatch. SOQL has [num_?_characters] '?' character(variables) and service input has [num_input_parameters] input parameters. To resolve this error, configure [num_?_characters] input parameters.
Explanation: The Custom Query Operation service has an SOQL query that has a greater number of varsub parameters (? character) than the number of input parameters.
Action: Make sure that the number of varsub parameters (? character) is the same as the number of input parameters.
Max number of rows per batch should be greater than 0.
Explanation: The 'Max number of rows per batch' field of the Batch Operation service has a value less than 1.
Action: Make sure that the 'Max number of rows per batch' field has a value greater than 0.
SObject or operation type is missing for batch operation.
Explanation: The error occurs because either the 'Salesforce Object' field, the 'Salesforce Bulk Operations' field of the Batch Operation service, or both fields are empty.
Action: Make sure that the 'Salesforce Object' and 'Salesforce Bulk Operations' fields are populated correctly.
Invalid batch size [batch_size]. Using the default batch size [default_batch_size].
Explanation: An invalid batch size for sObjects was specified using the watt.adapter.salesforce.sobjects.batchSize watt property. Therefore, the adapter will use the default batch size of 100.
Action: Make sure that a valid batch size is specified using the watt.adapter.salesforce.sobjects.batchSize property. For more information about the property, see Before Configuring or Managing Adapter Services.
Invalid access token.
Explanation: An OAuth login with was unsuccessful and returned an empty access token.
Action: Make sure that the corresponding OAuth connection properties are correct and valid. Also, verify the connectivity to the backend.
Exception occurred during http.start. Message: [exception_message].
Explanation: An exception occurred during the initiation of the OAuth login with
Action: Make sure that the corresponding OAuth connection properties are correct and valid. Also, verify the connectivity to the backend.
I/O exception occurred during the HTTP request/response. Message: [io_exception_message].
Explanation: An I/O exception occurred during the HTTP request/response process for an OAuth connection login or during the setting of the connection’s end-point URL.
Action: Make sure that the corresponding OAuth connection properties are correct and valid. Also, verify the connectivity to the backend.
Exception occurred during SOAP binding. Message: [exception_message].
Explanation: An adapter connection exception occurred during the SOAP binding of a connection with
Action: Make sure that the corresponding connection properties are correct and valid. Also, verify the connectivity to the backend.
External ID field not available for the object [SObject], which is mandatory for an upsert operation.
Explanation: This error occurs if the operation type in a Batch Operation is an upsert operation and an external ID is not available when the service is executed.
Action: Make sure that there is a valid external ID provided for the upsert operation.
The day count must be an integer between 1 and 30.
Explanation: This error occurs if you specify an incorrect value for the DayCount field while configuring an Upsert or Delete notification.
Action: Specify a value between 1 and 30.
The selected sObject is not replicable.
Explanation: This error occurs if you selected a non-replicable Salesforce object while configuring an Upsert or Delete notification.
Action: Select the correct Salesforce object while configuring an Upsert or Delete notification. For more information on replicable objects, see the Web Services API Developer's Guide.
An sObject is mandatory.
Explanation: This error occurs while validating a notification that does not specify which Salesforce object is to be monitored.
Action: Specify the Salesforce object to be monitored by the notification.
Unable to retrieve the start date for the notification.
Explanation: This error occurs while retrieving the start date from the persistence store. The error can occur either due to a network issue or by corrupted data in the persistence store. Depending on the version of Integration Server, the persistence store could be the repository or the shared cache.
Action: Restart the notification after correcting the issue.
The push topic name selected in the notification is incorrect. Select the push topic that is configured with the listener.
Explanation: This error occurs if the push topic selected for a listener notification does not match the push topic of the listener with which the listener notification is configured.
Action: Make sure that the push topic for the listener notification is the same as the one for the listener that is configured with the notification.
Unable to invoke service service_name.
Explanation: This error occurs when the adapter tries to invoke the indicated service to save or retrieve data from the persistence store.
Action: Check the error logs for more details.
Exception occurred while enabling the listener. Handshake failed [handshake_exception_message].
Explanation: This error occurs in case of a problem during the handshake with while enabling a listener.
Action: Make sure that the listener is using a valid OAuth connection and the listener properties are correct and valid. Also, verify the connectivity to the backend.
Exception occurred while enabling the listener. Initialization of Bayeux Client failed [exception_message].
Explanation: The listener creates a Bayeux Client during a handshake with This error occurs in case of a problem initializing the Bayeux Client or while the Bayeux Client subscribes to the push topic.
Action: Make sure that the listener is using a valid OAuth connection and the listener properties are correct and valid. Also, verify the connectivity to the backend.
Exception occurred in Bayeux Client communication for the event [event]. Exception message [exception_message].
Explanation: The issue occurs when a message cannot be delivered successfully to the Bayeux Client for an event that the client is monitoring.
Action: Verify the connectivity to the backend.
Use a OAuth connection. Connection [connection] is not a valid OAuth connection.
Explanation: The error occurs when you try to enable a listener that does not use a OAuth connection. A Adapter for Salesforce listener can work only with an OAuth connection.
Action: Make sure that the listener uses a valid OAuth connection.
The push topic [push_topic_name] configured in the listener is incorrect. No such push topic exists for the selected connection.
Explanation: The error occurs when you try to enable a listener, but you have provided a push topic that does not exist for the OAuth connection configured with the listener.
Action: Make sure the push topic for the listener exists for the OAuth connection configured with the listener.
Invalid migration package: [package_name].
Explanation: The error occurs when you provide an invalid custom Adapter for Salesforce package as input to the migrate_711_To_82 migration service.
Action: Make sure the custom package exists in Integration Server and is a valid Adapter for Salesforce 7.1 SP1 package.
Either connection data node was not found or updating endPointURL failed for connection: [connection_name].
Explanation: The error occurs when the migrate_711_To_82 migration service encounters an old 7.1 SP1 service that points to a non-existent connection or when the connection could not be updated with the new end-point URL.
Action: Make sure that the connections to which the Salesforce 7.1 SP1 services refer, exist and are not in use.
Could not enable the connection: [connection_name].
Explanation: The error occurs when the migrate_711_To_82 migration service can not enable the connection associated with a Salesforce 7.1 SP1 CREATE, UPDATE, or UPSERT service. This is required to dynamically fetch the resource domain values for these services and migrate them to the new Salesforce 8.2 standard.
Action: Make sure that the connection is a valid connection and its connection properties are correct. Try to enable the connection manually and run the migration service again.
Could not get resource domain values for node: [service_node_name].
Explanation: The error occurs when the migrate_711_To_82 migration service can not fetch the resource domain values for a Salesforce 7.1 SP1 CREATE, UPDATE, or UPSERT service. This is required to migrate these services to the new Salesforce 8.2 standard.
Action: Make sure that the connection associated with the service is a valid connection and its connection properties are correct. Ensure that the end-point URL points to partner jar version 25 and that the connection is enabled.
Resource [SObject_name] not found in the resource domain values obtained for node: [<<service_node_name>>].
Explanation: The error occurs when the migrate_711_To_82 migration service can not find the old sObject name of a Salesforce 7.1 SP1 CREATE, UPDATE, or UPSERT service in the newly obtained resource domain values.
Action: Make sure that the connection associated with the service is a valid connection and its connection properties are correct. Ensure that the end-point URL points to partner jar version 25 and that the connection is enabled.