SOPERA Adapter 8.0 | webMethods SOPERA Adapter Documentation | webMethods SOPERA Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Configuring Adapter Services | SOPERA Generic Consumer | Configuring a Service for a Specific SOPERA Service and Operation | Configuring One-Way Consumer Services
Configuring One-Way Consumer Services
When you want to create a one-way consumer, you configure a one-way consumer service using the SOPERA Generic Consumer template. For the steps to configure the service, see Configuring a Service for a Specific SOPERA Service and Operation. The following table describes the required fields and the values you provide for a one-way consumer service:
Service name
The name and the path to the SOPERA service to invoke. For example, {}ExampleService
Operation name
The name of the operation the adapter service must perform. Select OneWayOperation.
Callback Operation Name
Leave empty.
Send request only
Do not select.
Interaction style
The way in which the adapter service interacts with the SOPERA infrastructure.
When you select the one-way operation in the Operation name field, the value in this field changes automatically to ONEWAY.
Input document type
The fully qualified document type name for the input IS document. For example, doc.myservice.input:inDoc
Specify a unique name for the input document type. If you specify an existing document type name, the IS document type will not be generated correctly.
Output document type
When the Interaction style is ONEWAY, no output document type is required or generated.
The conditions under which the adapter service invokes a SOPERA service. SOPERA Adapter retrieves policies from the SOPERA Service Registry based on the location configured in the Connection Settings. For information about configuring the adapter connection settings, see Configuring Adapter Connections.
Do not select.
Return the actual message object
Do not select.