XI Adapter 4.6 | webMethods XI Adapter Documentation | webMethods XI Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Services | Associating Receiver Endpoint with Inbound Service
Associating Receiver Endpoint with Inbound Service
1. Start Integration Server Administrator.
2. In the Adapters menu in Integration Server Administrator's navigation area, click webMethods Adapter for PI/PO. The system displays the Servers page.
3. In the webMethods Adapter for PI/PO navigation area, click Services. The system displays the Services page.
4. Click Associate Receiver Endpoint with Inbound Service (Generate Stub). The system displays the Add Receiver Endpoint Association (Generate Stub) page.
Receiver Endpoint
Business System
Select the name of the business system to associate the inbound service with the receiver endpoint.
Select the name and namespace of the interface to associate the inbound service with the receiver endpoint.
Inbound Service
Specify the name of the service to execute at the receiver endpoint. Create the inbound service by typing a name that is not in use by any existing service or use an existing inbound service by typing the name of the existing service.
Select the package in which to store the new service or select the package that contains the existing service to execute at the receiver endpoint.
5. Click Add.
*If the Service is not in use, the system generates an inbound service stub using the specification it generated from the interface identified in the receiver endpoint, then stores the service in the package you selected.
*If the SLD access is enabled and the Integration Server instance is registered in SAP SLD, the system adds the following objects to the SAP SLD:
*A SAP_XIAdapterService object that represents the inbound service.
You can use XI Adapter without registering the Integration Server instance in the SAP SLD. For more information, see watt.xi.sld.access.
*A SAP_HTTPServicePort object that specifies the URL for XI Adapter's pub.xi.Router:inboundMessageObject service. The URL is : http://Integration Server_host:Integration Server_port/invoke/pub.xi.Router/inboundMessageObject.
*The system displays the Services page and adds the Inbound Service Associations you just created to the list.