Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Transaction Handling | Deleting Transactions
Deleting Transactions
You delete transactions from a local Transaction Store and a Centralized Transaction Store (CTS) or a Shared Transaction Store (STS) in the same way. If a transaction store contains transactions that are no longer needed, you can delete them. In a local Transaction Store, you can delete only the transactions executed by that individual adapter; in a CTS or STS, you can delete any transaction executed by any adapter in the group.
If you delete a transaction in a CTS or STS, the transaction will not be available for all the adapters in the group. Make sure you delete only the transactions that are not needed by any adapters in the group.
*To delete transactions from the transaction store
1. In the Adapters menu in the Integration Server Administrator's navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu, click Transactions.
3. Use any of the following ways to delete transactions:
*To delete transactions one at a time, click in Deletecolumn corresponding to the transaction that you want to delete.
*To delete only the transactions that match your filter criteria, all at the same time, click Delete Filtered Transactions.
*To delete all transactions in the transaction store at once, click Delete All Transactions.