Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Transaction Handling | Viewing Transactions
Viewing Transactions
You view transactions for a local Transaction Store and a Centralized Transaction Store (CTS) or a Shared Transaction Store (STS) in the same way. In a local Transaction Store, you can view only the transactions executed by that individual adapter; in a CTS or STS, you can view the status of all the transactions executed by any adapter in the group.
*To view the transactions in the transaction store
1. In the Adapters menu in the Integration Server Administrator's navigation area, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu, click Transactions. The Transactions screen displays all transactions.
3. By default, Adapter for SAP displays transactions in pages of 20, in order to avoid a timeout or out-of-memory of the web browser in case there is a large number of transactions in the store. To display more or fewer than 20 transactions per page, specify a value in the Page Entries field.
4. To filter the displayed list of transactions:
a. Enter filter criteria in any of the following fields in the Transaction List Filter section of the Transactions screen: Sender, Receiver, Message Type, TID, State, Begin Date, and End Date.
The Begin Date and End Date fields can be used to restrict the displayed transactions to a specific time interval. The date format entered into these fields must match the date format displayed in the Date field in the Transaction List.
When you enter a filter term in one of the fields, only those transactions that match the term will be displayed. Regular expressions are supported to allow flexible filter criteria matching. For a detailed description of regular expressions, see webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
b. Click Apply Filter. The transactions that match the filter criteria are displayed.
Clicking Apply Filter runs your filter criteria against all transactions. If you want to refine your search, specify additional or more restrictive filter criteria, and then click Apply Filter.
c. To re-display all transactions, clear all filter fields and click Apply Filter.
5. To view detailed information for a transaction:
a. For the transaction you want to view, click its corresponding transaction ID in the TID column.
b. The TID screen displays the transaction ID, sender, receiver, message type, date when this transaction was first received by Adapter for SAP and time when the current state was set, current state, the last error (if any), and an audit log that shows state changes, error messages and the various steps that have processed the message.
The State field corresponds to the different states of the tRFC protocol. If the message was not received via tRFC but via a different protocol (like HTTP), the transaction store tries to imitate the tRFC status handling, but the meaning of the single states is slightly different in this case. The following describes the valid states of a tRFC transaction:
Meaning (tRFC)
Meaning (other protocols)
The sender has sent a transaction ID, which was accepted by Adapter for SAP transaction manager. (No data sent yet.)
The sender has sent a transaction ID and data, which was forwarded to the transaction store.
Execution of the transaction has failed. The sender may retry the transaction again at a later time.
The Administrator should manually follow up transactions in status Rolled back as follows:
Try to find and eliminate the reason of failure and then:
*Re-send the transaction from SM58, if it originally came from an SAP system
*Ask your partner to re-send the transaction, if it originally came in via FTP or HTTP.
*If the transaction was initiated by a local service, re-invoke the service.
Execution of the transaction has failed. The sender may retry the transaction again at a later time.
The sender has acknowledged that the transaction executed successfully.
Execution of the transaction on Adapter for SAP finished with a success message.
The sender has promised never to send this transaction again. So the TID may be deleted, as there is no need anymore to protect against duplicate processing of the same transaction.
This is used only if the external client invokes the service*:InboundProcess again, with $action set 4, after the transaction has been executed successfully. In this case and if the transport supports it, the Confirm event has been forwarded to the final receiver, so that it is able to clean up its ARFCRSTATE table and remove the TID from it.
c. If the storing of message bodies has not been disabled on the Routing or RFC listener, it is also possible to view the transaction's complete pipeline or its message body as either XML or HTML (IDoc only) from the View Transaction screen.
d. To delete this transaction, click Delete.
e. To return to the list of transactions, click Return to Transaction List.