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Viewing Centralized Store Configuration and Status
*To view the centralized store configuration and status
1. In the Adapters menu in the navigation area of the Integration Server Administrator, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu in the navigation area of Adapter for SAP, click Settings.
At the bottom of the page, you can view the configuration details of Adapter for SAP Group. The Centralized Store field must display Local File System for Centralized Transaction Store Server and Remote File system <server IP Address> for Centralized Transaction Store Clients.
Ensure that Integration Server that hosts the Centralized Transaction Store is always started first, before starting any other Adapter for SAP in Adapter for SAP group. If the Centralized Transaction Store Clients cannot find or access the Centralized Transaction Store Server during adapter startup, they will not be able to start and will shut down with failure. In the same way, it is also important to always shut down all Centralized Transaction Store Clients before shutting down the Centralized Transaction Store Server. The Centralized Transaction Store Clients will otherwise display runtime errors while trying to persist transaction status information, and transactions or transaction changes will be lost.