Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Configuration | server.cnf
This file is created when you start Integration Server for the first time. Some of the following statements can be added manually after installing Adapter for SAP.
Use the Edit Extended Settings feature of Integration Server Administrator to view and edit the key statements. For more information about viewing and editing key statements, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.
You can also add and edit key statements by shutting down Integration Server and manually editing the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\server.cnf file.
The following statements are added automatically when Integration Server and Adapter for SAP are started for the first time:
Description maxPooledConnections
Maximal number of repository connections in one RFC connection pool to one SAP system (default: 10). timeout
Delay (minutes) until an unused repository connection to an SAP system is timed out (default: 5). timeoutCheckPeriod
Time interval in seconds between checks (seconds) whether unused pooled repository connections have timed out. maxWaitForPool
Delay (seconds) until requests waiting for a repository connection from a pool time out in the queue.
Time interval (minutes) between checks of the listener. It is checked whether the RFC Handle is still valid. If the Gateway is running, any inactive Listener is restarted at the latest after this interval. responseTime
Delay (seconds) until a listener responds at the latest to an incoming request.
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to increase performance:
Version of RFC-XML (XRFC) sent. Valid versions: 0.9 and 1.0 (default).
Version of illegal character escaping in IDoc-XML. Valid versions: 4.6 and 5.0 (default).
Flag that indicates if the SAP XML dialects should be rendered pretty printed. The default is "true". Set the value to "false" to remove all unnecessary white space and thus improve performance.
Setting it to "true", enables the synchronous write cache. Setting it to "false" disables the cache. This property works together with the - properties. Setting this feature to "On" will force the transaction manager not to persist each update of an transaction but rather keep the state changes in memory and instead persist it periodically. Period
Specifies how often, in seconds, the TransactionManager will flush unsaved changes in the transaction cache to the file system.
Default: every 2 seconds. Maximum allowed value: 100 seconds. Live
The transaction cache works both as read and write cache. After a transaction is read the first time, it will be kept in the cache for the number of seconds specified in cacheTimeToLive. If the transaction was not accessed during this time, it will be removed from the cache after this period has ended in order to keep the cache from growing indefinitely.
Default: 50 seconds. Maximum allowed value: 500 seconds.
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to improve security:
Path of the SNC library needed for secure RFC connections.
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to specify monitoring options:
Flag to decide whether to write basic throughput information to log. Valid values: true and false (default).
Switch to turn Component Responsetime Monitoring 'On' (default) or 'Off.'
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to debug log options:
Sets the value(0.3) as JCo "cpi.trace" property.
For more information, see SAP JCo documentation
It is not required to restart the adapter as the property value is updated each time when the WmSAP log level of the facility 102 JCo Messages is changed.
Default: 0 = Off.
Set to 'True' to enable detailed JCo session log messages. The adapter does not have to be restarted. Changes of this settings are detected automatically.
Default: false.
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to specify transaction store options:
Sets the path to the external file directory for the Shared Transaction Store (STS).
The directory must exist and it must have write access, otherwise the transaction store will not be enabled.
Default: empty.
Sets the number of CPU threads to be used for listing the content of the transaction store and to execute the service.
Default: 3. Minimum: 1.
Set to 'yes' to let the adapter automatically use the local transaction store when the CTS setup is invalid or the CTS server is not available during adapter startup.
Default: no
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to specify JCo options:
Sets the path to an existing and wireable external directory so that the JCo trace files will be stored in the external directory and not in the canonical subdirectory
Default: empty.
Sets the value during adapter startup as JCo 'jco.session_timeout' property to define the idle timeout for JCo session contexts in minutes.
For more information, see SAP JCo documentation.
Default: Content of "watt.server.clientTimeout", or 10 if this setting is not defined.
Minimum: 1.
Sets the value during adapter startup as JCo 'jrfc.client_connect_timeout'property to define the timeout for an RFC client logon or ping attempt in seconds.
For more information, see SAP JCo documentation.
Default: 60
Maximum: 3600
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf to specify miscellaneous options:
If this property in not available or not set to "true", then during the next startup of Integration Server, all Adapter for SAP-relevant ACL settings will be reset to their default values.
To send SYSTAT01 IDocs from Adapter for SAP back to the SAP system, Integration Server must be registered as a logical system. By default, the name "BUSCON" is used. If you want to use a different name, you can override the default value using this property.
Set this property to true/yes for the SAP IDoc Class Library 1.0.8 or higher to remove unwanted fields.
Setting the parameter to 'true' or 'yes' specifies that Adapter for SAP will not use IDoc release information while sending out IDocs. If you do not set the parameter (or set to any other value), then IDoc release information will be used for IDoc metadata lookup during transport.
The parameter name is case-sensitive.
This property limits the maximum number of transactions related to IDoc processing that the service will process and report on.
Set the parameter to specifying the maximum number of processed IDoc transactions that can be reported without slowing down Integration Server. A typical value could be 2000. The report service would then send SYSTAT01 IDocs for up to 2000 transactions only.
Change/add the following statements to the server.cnf for backwards compatibility with previous Adapter for SAP version 4.6.
This property enables compatibility with the WmPartners inboundProcess services. The WmPartners inboundProcess services automatically create a TID in the pipeline if there is none provided. If this property is set to "true" or "yes", the InboundProcess services will do the same to achieve compatibility with WmPartners inbound processing.
If this property is set to "true", Adapter for SAP will not use the CIMTYP (extended IDoc type) for IDoc metadata lookup. This ensures backward compatibility for mapping of extended IDocs in applications developed before Adapter for SAP 4.6 SP5.
Adapter for SAP 4.6 encodes numeric and binary RFC data fields as String objects in the pipeline, while Adapter for SAP 6.5 (or higher) uses Java objects to encode numeric and binary RFC data. If this property is set to "true" or "yes", Adapter for SAP 10.1 will use the same RFC data encoding as Adapter for SAP 4.6 to achieve compatibility with mappings in existing applications for Adapter for SAP 4.6.