Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Routing Messages Through Adapter for SAP | Overview | Routing Notification Order | Using Wildcards as Routing Criteria
Using Wildcards as Routing Criteria
You can use a single asterisk character (*), known as a wildcard, for the Sender, Receiver, and Message Type values in a routing notification. A wildcard matches any value that may be submitted with an incoming document. You can:
*Use a wildcard for the Sender parameter to serve as a “catch all” routing notification for a specific company. For example, suppose that you want to execute a particular routing notification for all documents from XYZ Company. You do not necessarily want to define routing rules for each message type that might be sent from XYZ Company, so you use the wildcard character (*) for the Message Type.
*Use a wildcard for all parameters (Sender, Receiver, and Message Type) to serve as a “last resort” routing rule. This routing rule will be executed when no other routing rules match the incoming document.