Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Routing Messages Through Adapter for SAP | Mapping IDocs to Other Formats | Transforming the IDoc to a Hierarchical Format
Transforming the IDoc to a Hierarchical Format
To extract information from an IDoc, your flow service must transform the IDoc into a hierarchical structure and generate a document type whose elements correspond to the fields in the IDoc. To do this, either use the iDocToDocument service (if the IDoc will be received by Adapter for SAP through tRFC or through http POST with Content-Type: application/x-sap.idoc) or the xmlNodeToDocument service (if the IDoc will be received via http POST with Content-Type:text/xml).
*To transform the IDoc to hierarchical format
1. Click the icon on the Flow Pane toolbar and select the or the pub.web:xmlNodeToDocument service. (If this service does not appear in the list, select locate it.) Either service transforms the IDoc into a document variable, which contains the contents of the IDoc in a format that you can map to other pipeline variables.
2. Click the icon to save this flow service.