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Creating a Document Type for Your IDoc
Regardless of the way in which you pass the IDoc to the flow, you need to create a document describing the content and structure of the IDoc. There are three ways to create this document:
*You can generate it directly by receiving the IDoc metadata information form an SAP system you have an RFC connection to. See Create an IDoc Document Type Using the DDIC for more information.
*You can generate it from the DTD for the IDoc. See Generating an IDoc Document Type from a DTD for more information.
*You can generate it from a "sample" IDoc that you capture with Designer at design time. See Generating a Document Type from a Sample IDoc for more information.
The first two options produce the most complete document because they are based on the IDoc's metadata defined at the SAP system or a DTD, which describes all possible fields in the IDoc. Use one of the first two options whenever possible.
Use the third option only if a DTD is not available for the IDoc with which you are working. Because this option derives a document from a sample document, there is no assurance that the document will include all possible fields. Fields that are not used in the sample document will not appear in the document type.