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Transmitting IDocs between Two Integration Servers
To send IDocs over the Internet, use the following procedure to establish the connection between two Integration Servers (for example: your own and one belonging to your Business Partner).
*To transmit IDocs between to Integration Servers
1. On the sending Integration Server, create a Remote Server that points to the receiving Integration Server. For more information on creating Remote Servers, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release. If you are inside a firewall make sure that your HTTP proxy server is configured under Settings > Proxy Servers.
2. On the sending Integration Server, create a new routing notification that has a new empty flow service assigned.
3. Set Transport to "IS".
4. Edit the service assigned to the routing notification and add a flow step invoking service pub.remote:invoke. Set the input values for this flow step as follows:
a. $alias: Remote Server name of your trading partner
b. $service:
c. $scope: select the default value
5. Edit the service assigned to the routing notification and drop all unnecessary parameters in a MAP located before the step invoking the pub.remote:invoke service. This reduces the amount of data sent over the network. If the receiving Integration Server is of release 4.6 or lower, you need to invoke another service before the final remote invoke step: This service converts the IDoc into the format expected by older releases.
One more tip to increase performance: ask your communication partner to also drop all unnecessary parameters at the end of the routing notification which receives this document. This reduces the amount of data sent back in the response.