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Asynchronous Calls
An asynchronous call can be executed by specifying a transaction ID in the BizTalk header of the XML document. The XML element used is the <referenceID>-element (see description of the BizTalk XML envelope) in the <receiver>-section of the BizTalk header.
A transaction ID should be a global unique ID expressed in hexadecimal letters and 24 letters long, for example 0A11449F652C394A34DE042F. If an asynchronous request can be transmitted without errors inside the SAP system, Adapter for SAP will return a BizTalk envelope with an empty body as confirmation document. If there were any processing errors, the body will contain a fault descriptor element. The result of an asynchronous call can be checked inside the target system by using the ALE monitoring services (BD87) in a 4.6 SAP system. Please refer to your SAP system documentation for further information on ALE services.