Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Routing Messages Through Adapter for SAP | Routing Notifications | Editing a Routing Service
Editing a Routing Service
When necessary, you can wrap the transport service into a customized service before assigning it to a routing notification. You can edit your wrapper service to incorporate additional operations before or after the transport delivers the message. For example, you can insert a post-processing or pre-processing service, or you can include some error handling operations after the transport service.
You can update the flow service to digitally sign a message before it is routed. Or, if you want to FTP an IDoc in EDI flat file format, you would insert the step If the outbound data should be an XML document, you would use instead, or your own mapping service that creates the format of your choice.