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Local Transaction Store
You must determine the storage space for the temporarily stored transactions. Use the following formula:
(Average size of a transactional message) x (Number of transactions per day) x (Number of days you want to maintain Confirmed transactions for reference).
*To determine the average size of one transactional message
1. Determine the current size of the packages_directory\WmSAP\txStore directory, including its subdirectories. For information about the packages_directory, refer to the section The Integration Server Home Directory .
2. Send 100 typical transactional messages (transactions you will use in production) through Adapter for SAP.
3. Check the size of directory again.
4. Divide the difference by 100 to determine the average size of your transactional message. For example, a typical ORDERS IDoc is between 13KB and 35KB.
You might want to schedule the service to administer the growth of the transaction store. For more information about the service, see