Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | System Requirements | Memory | Initial Consumption | Payload
You will have to calculate the amount of memory required to process documents simultaneously (see question 3 in section Questions on Sizing). Use the following equation to calculate your needs:
Payload consumption = (document size x memFactor + RFCSize) x number of parallel documents, where:
memFactor = 3 + the number of INVOKE statements in the adapter or notification service (if there are mappings between document formats and different XML dialects) + the SSL value. The SSL value = 0 or 1, according to whether documents are encrypted with SSL or not.
RFCSize = 28KB x number of IDocs in package, if the IDocs are either sent or received via RFC.
If you are in doubt about your assumptions for these values, you should run a few tests and watch by how much the memory actually increases during processing of one document.
By default, Integration Server starts with 128MB RAM. After you have calculated the memory that your Adapter for SAP should use, you have to modify the setting:
in Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\bin\server.bat (or on UNIX) before starting the Integration Server.