Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | System Requirements | Memory | Initial Consumption | Consumption for RFC Listeners
Consumption for RFC Listeners
In the next step, you will need extra memory for every RFC listener thread (see question 2 in section Questions on Sizing). For each listener thread, add 10MB. As this consumes a lot of memory, the number of threads for a listener must be chosen with care.
If the number of threads is too small, the SAP system cannot send RFCs in parallel. The RFCs must be queued until an Integration Server thread is free to process them. The SAP system's work processes, trying to send RFCs, are then blocked and the SAP system's performance slows down considerably. On the other hand, if the number of threads is too high, Integration Server consumes a lot of memory. This may slow down Integration Server performance. To optimize the number of threads, determine the average number of work processes the SAP system will use for sending RFCs.