Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | System Requirements | Memory | Initial Consumption | Consumption Per Session
Consumption Per Session
Each task Integration Server will handle (incoming HTTP request, incoming/outgoing RFC call) requires one session on Integration Server. If n is the number of sessions (see question 1 in the section Questions on Sizing), add the following amount of RAM:
½ n MB
If n proves to be much larger than 75, use the Edit Extended Settings feature of Integration Server Administrator to view the watt.server.threadPool key and edit the key to enable Integration Server to handle more than 75 tasks in parallel. Integration Server then provides a pool of unused sessions, and the next request can be processed immediately without waiting for a new session to be created.
If the size of your hardware does not support this level of RAM usage, do not change watt.server.threadPool.
You can also increase the value of the watt.server.threadPoolMin=10 parameter to enhance performance.
You can also adjust these parameters by shutting down the Integration Server and adding the parameters to or editing them in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\server.cnf file.
For more information about these parameters, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.
This procedure should be used with care to avoid unnecessary memory overload. For example, if you keep a pool of 1000 sessions and Integration Server rarely needs more than 100, you will waste a lot of memory and resources.