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About Clustering for Adapter for SAP
How Outbound RFCs Are Balanced
How Inbound RFCs Are Balanced
The evaluation of clustering has shown that its advantages in the specific SAP environment are restricted. As a result, it is generally recommended that you instead install several independent Integration Servers fronted by an external load balancer. The reasons for this recommendation are described in the following sections. Review the advantages and disadvantages of clustering in your specific environment carefully before deciding on the implementation.
In light of these restrictions, clustering with an external load balancer offers the following advantages and disadvantages.
*Load balancing for various kinds of HTTP clients is easier to achieve with an external load balancer and several instances of independent Integration Servers.
*Scalability is reached by adding an external load balancer in front of independent Integration Servers to offer better system performance.
*If the cluster requires load balancing, an external load balancer is required.
*Failover mechanisms only makes sense for multi-step transactions. With an SAP backend system, these transactions are bound to a single Integration Server, so the checkpoint support of the cluster does not apply.