Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Package Contents | Package Layout
Package Layout
Apart from the native libraries, all of the files relevant to Adapter for SAP and its persistent state information are in the packages_directory\WmSAP directory. The following table describes the directories and files that make up the SAP package directory.
Contains Adapter for SAP libraries, the JCo and SAP IDoc Class library jars, and sample source code.
Contains the cbr.cnf file, which is a configuration file that contains the configuration parameter for content-based routing.
Contains Adapter for SAP log files, and RFC trace files.
Contains namespace information for Adapter for SAP services.
pub, templates
Contains files and images comprising Adapter for SAP Administration user interface. Also contains all user and API documentation.
Contains the local transaction store with the transaction and transaction message body files.