Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for SAP | Adapter Services
Adapter Services
Adapter services allow you to connect to the adapter's resource (that is, an SAP system) and initiate an operation on the resource from Integration Server. You call adapter services from a flow or Java service to interact with function modules on an SAP system.
At design time, the adapter obtains information about the SAP document on the SAP system. You configure adapter services using the templates provided with Adapter for SAP. Each template represents a specific technique for doing work on a resource, such as invoking a function module on an SAP system. An adapter service template contains all the code necessary for interacting with the resource but without the data specifications. You provide these specifications when you configure a new adapter service.
You use Designer to configure the adapter service. Some familiarity with using these tools is required. For more information, see webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Adapter for SAP provides the following adapter service template:
Adapter Service Template
RFC Adapter Service (synchronous)
Invokes an RFC on the SAP system, executes a tRFC, or confirms a transaction.