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What Is webMethods Adapter for SAP?
webMethods Adapter for SAP allows you to extend your SAP business processes and integrate non-SAP products using open and non-proprietary technology. Adapter for SAP allows for both asynchronous and bi-directional, real-time communication to and from the SAP system. You can:
*Execute SAP's implementation-independent Business Application Programming Interface (BAPI) methods, as they are described in the Business Object Repository (BOR). BAPIs are stable, precisely-defined, and well-documented interfaces to SAP solutions, providing standardized access to SAP solutions on a semantic level. You can quickly and easily create XML-based services that execute a BAPI. Applications within your organization can then invoke the services to execute a BAPI on the SAP system. Similarly, your business partners can make requests over the Internet to invoke a service that executes a BAPI. The BAPI-interfaces provide a unified access to the application-level functionality, independent of the type of call: Both synchronous and asynchronous processing can be triggered by using these interfaces.
Asynchronous processing transparently uses the Application Link Enabling (ALE) services inside the SAP system for the client to integrate the business processes.
*Execute SAP Remote Function Calls (RFCs) from Adapter for SAP. You can access all SAP functionality that is available via RFC from Adapter for SAP. External applications do not need to understand SAP datatypes, ABAP structures, or the RFC protocol to communicate with an SAP system.
*Send IDocs to the Adapter for SAP. You can send Intermediate Documents to Adapter for SAP for further synchronous processing or let them be published to subscribers asynchronously.
*Call services from SAP systems. You can invoke services from an SAP system. This allows the SAP users to access information that is available via Adapter for SAP. Adapter for SAP enables integration between trading partners, thereby extending the reach of your SAP infrastructure to customers, partners, and suppliers.
*Route SAP business documents based on criteria you specify. Adapter for SAP provides rich routing capabilities for BAPIs, RFCs, and IDocs. Different transport types are available out-of-the-box. These include the routing of a business document to another SAP system or simply to a remote URL in an XML format.
Adapter for SAP allows you to increase customer loyalty and efficiency across the supply chain by tightly integrating your business infrastructure with that of any partner. Typical deployment scenarios for Adapter for SAP are:
*Real-time integration between supplier inventories and your SAP system
*Real-time integration between product, price, and availability information from any number of suppliers and your purchasing application
*Real-time integration between fulfillment and order tracking applications and your shippers' internal systems