Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for SAP | Architecture and Components | Sending Messages Through the Routing Listener
Sending Messages Through the Routing Listener
When Adapter for SAP receives a request on the RFC Server (Listener) that is not associated with a specific adapter notification, Adapter for SAP sends the request to the routing listener. The routing listener can receive:
*IDoc calls from an SAP system or IDoc-XML messages from any web client
*RFCs from an SAP system or RFC-XML and bXML messages from any web client
Inbound Requests into the Routing Listener
It then uses routing notifications to determine where to route the messages. The routing notification indicates where to route the message based on who the message is from (sender), who is to receive the message (receiver), and the message type.
A message can be:
*Routed to an SAP system (IDocs, RFCs, and BAPIs)
*Routed to a service on the local machine or a remote machine
*HTTP posted to an URL
Outbound Transports Called from a Routing Notification
Note:Adapter for SAP inbound call is an outbound call from the SAP system's point of view.