Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for SAP | Architecture and Components | Invoking Business Logic
Invoking Business Logic
Adapter for SAP incorporates an RFC Server and RFC Client to provide real-time inbound and outbound communication to and from the SAP system.
Adapter for SAP uses the RFC Client to send requests to execute RFCs on the SAP system.
Outbound Requests Mapped to an Adapter Service
Adapter for SAP uses the RFC Server (Listener) to listen for incoming requests to do one of the following:
*Execute services on Integration Server. Adapter for SAP performs this action for synchronous adapter notifications configured with an execution mode of "service invoke." For more information about execution modes, see Service Execution Modes.
*Publish the request to the local Integration Server (or to a remote Integration Server connected to the host Integration Server by way of a Broker or a JMS provider) and optionally wait for a reply document. Adapter for SAP performs this action for asynchronous adapter notifications and for synchronous adapter notifications configured with an execution mode of "publish and wait." For more information about execution modes, see Service Execution Modes.
From an SAP system point of view, calling Adapter for SAP is no different from calling any other RFC server.
The following diagram illustrates this process when Adapter for SAP is communicating with the host Integration Server. Adapter for SAP can also communicate with a remote Integration Server that is connected to the host Integration Server by way of a Broker or a JMS provider.
Inbound Requests Mapped to an Adapter Notification