Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Notifications | Examples | Creating a Synchronous ALE Listener Notification | Testing the Listener Notification from the SAP System
Testing the Listener Notification from the SAP System
Before you can test the listener notification, you must complete the procedures in Setting Up the SAP System.
To test the flow service you created, use the SAPGui to submit your sample IDoc to Adapter for SAP. Check the results of the service to ensure that the IDoc is being mapped correctly.
*To test the listener notification
1. Use the SAPGui to submit an IDoc to your flow service. When the service executes, the savePipelineToFile operation will make a copy of the pipeline (which will include your IDoc) and save it to a file.
2. Delete the savePipelineToFile service and insert the restorePipelineFromFile service.
3. Select the Test \>Run command to execute the flow service. When it executes, the restorePipelineFromFile service will retrieve the copy of the pipeline containing your IDoc, which the remainder of the flow will operate on.
4. When you are finished testing, delete the restorePipelineFromFile service and save the finished flow.