Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Adapter Notifications | Examples | Creating a Synchronous ALE Listener Notification | Create an Asynchronous ALE Listener Notification for IDoc Type Orders02
Create an Asynchronous ALE Listener Notification for IDoc Type Orders02
This listener notification invokes the flow service that will perform the mapping. When you create the listener notification, select the service you have previously created for mapping the IDoc.
*To create a synchronous ALE listener notification
1. From the File menu, select New > Adapter Notification and then click Next.
2. Select Adapter for SAP as the adapter type and click Next.
3. Select ALE Listener Notification (synchronous) from the template and click Next.
4. Name the listener notification "Orders02", and select the app\idocs folder. Click Next.
5. Select the service you created in Create an Empty Flow Service Called mapOrders02, click Next and then click Finish.
6. Select the IDoc tab and change the IDoc type field to "ORDERS02".
7. Select the Request Field Selection tab and click the icon.
8. From the File menu, select Save (or Save All).