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Deleting Listeners
If you no longer want to use a listener, use the following instructions to delete the listener. You use Integration Server Administrator to delete listeners.
If you delete Adapter for SAP listener, any notifications that are defined to use the listener will no longer work. You cannot change which listener a notification uses after the notification is configured. However, you can change the parameters for an existing listener. For instructions, see Editing Listeners.
*To delete a listener
1. In the Adapters menu in the navigation area of Integration Server Administrator, click Adapter for SAP.
2. In Adapter for SAP menu, click Listeners.
3. On the Listeners screen, make sure that the listener is disabled before deleting it. To disable the listener, see Disabling Listeners for details.
4. On the Listeners screen, click the icon for the listener you want to delete.
Integration Server deletes the listener.