Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Managing the DDIC Cache | Data DICtionary Cache (DDIC Cache)
Data DICtionary Cache (DDIC Cache)
The Data DICtionary Cache (DDIC) is a cache that holds information about SAP function modules, structure definitions, Business Objects, ALE mappings, and IDocs. Adapter for SAP retrieves this information from an SAP system when it performs RFC, BAPI, or IDoc lookups. To improve performance, Adapter for SAP caches information it receives about function modules and structure definitions.
Adapter for SAP receives information about function modules and structure functions when:
*An RFC, BAPI, or IDoc lookup is requested from the Lookup screen.
*Adapter for SAP executes a service that invokes an RFC or BAPI on an SAP system.
*An SAP system executes an RFC that invokes a service.
*An IDoc gets processed by Adapter for SAP.
Adapter for SAP keeps separate cached function modules, structure definitions, Business Objects, ALE mappings, and IDocs for each SAP system. When Adapter for SAP requires specific data, it checks its DDIC cache for the specific SAP system to determine if the information it requires is in cache. If the required information is in the DDIC cache, Adapter for SAP uses the cached information rather than retrieving it from the SAP system.
The DDIC cache is always active. There are no configuration tasks required to activate it. When you are developing services, there may be times when the information in the DDIC cache becomes outdated; for example, if you change an RFC signature on an SAP system. In these situations, you can use the DDIC cache screens to view the information in the cache and remove specific function modules or structure definitions from the cache as necessary without having to restart Integration Server.
The DDIC cache does not persist through shutdown and restart of Integration Server.