Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Logging and Monitoring | Monitoring Adapter for SAP Performance | Component Response Time Measurement
Component Response Time Measurement
With this kind of monitoring, an application gets split into several components and the response time gets measured per component.You will find this information on Adapters > Adapter for SAP > Monitoring:
At the bottom of this screen, you will find the following monitoring information:
The term…
Requests total
Number of requests executed so far.
Request rate
Requests per second since monitoring was enabled.
Requests ok
Number of successful requests.
Requests with errors
Number of requests with errors.
Components total
Number of components used in requests.
Components per request
Average number of components per request.
Total time
Execution time for all requests in milliseconds.
Average time
Average execution time for a request in milliseconds.
Query Requests
You can get the TOP 100 requests (the requests that needed the longest execution times.) To restrict those entries, you can specify the Info for and max. listed Requests inputs before pushing the Show Button.
Info for...
Enter a wildcard-like pattern for the request names, for which you want the information. You can use only exact patterns and patterns with a single '*' at the end, such as 'client.*'. You cannot make entries with the format '*rfc*'.
max. listed Requests
Limits the number of requests to the given number. After pushing the button, the Requests Overview is displayed.
Query Components
You can get accumulated information about all components, that have been used in Request. To restrict those entries you can specify the Info for input before pushing the Show Button:
Info for...
Enter a wildcard-like pattern for the Component names, for which you want the information. You can use only exact patterns and patterns with a single '*' at the end, such as 'client.*' You cannot make entries with the format '*rfc*'. After pushing the button, the Component Overview is displayed.