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Performance Output Information in the SAP Log File
From log level "Debug" or higher you can view performance output information for Adapter for SAP in the SAP log file. The corresponding terms are described below.
The term…
Time for marshalling (ms)
Time needed for transferring the data from IData (pipeline representation) to JCo Objects.
Time for unmarshalling (ms)
Time needed for transferring the data from JCo Objects to IData (pipeline representation).
Time for preparing (ms)
Time needed for preparing execution of a function module (outbound calls) or invocation of a service. This includes repository queries for the data structures and the function interface, opening connections to the involved systems, etc.
Time for rfc calls (ms)
Time needed in the JCo layer for outbound calls.
Time for Adapter for SAP service calls (ms)
Time needed for the invocation of a service to handle an inbound request in Adapter for SAP after preparing/marshalling and before unmarshalling the data. (Listener performance data).
Total time for function calls (ms)
Total time needed for handling inbound/outbound calls in Adapter for SAP layer.