Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Installing, Upgrading, and Uninstalling webMethods Adapter for SAP 10.1 | Installing Adapter for SAP
Installing Adapter for SAP
If you are installing the adapter in a clustered environment, you must install the adapter on each Integration Server in the cluster, and each installation must be identical. For more information about working with the adapter in a clustered environment, see Clustering Considerations and Requirements.
*To install Adapter for SAP 10.1
1. Download Software AG Installer from the Empower Product Support Web site.
2. If you are installing the adapter on an existing Integration Server, shut down Integration Server.
3. Start the Installer wizard.
*Select the webMethods release that includes the Integration Server on which to install the adapter. Adapter for SAP 10.1 requires Integration Server 10.1 or higher and does not run on previous versions.
*If you are installing on an existing Integration Server, specify the webMethods installation directory that contains the host Integration Server. If you are installing both the host Integration Server and the adapter, specify the installation directory to use. Software AG Installer installs the adapter in the packages_directory.
4. In the product selection list, select Adapters > webMethods Adapter 10.1 for SAP.
*If you are want to create RFC adapter services or RFC and IDoc documents, select Designer > Services > SAP Integration 10.1. The plug-in for Designer lets you generate webMethods document types based on IDoc and RFC structures defined on an SAP system.
With Integration Server 10.1 and above, you can install the package in the default instance. In this case, Software AG Installer installs the adapter in both locations, Integration Server_directory\packages directory and the default instance packages located in Integration Server_directory\instances\default\packages directory.
You can download the adapter documentation at a later time from the Software AG Documentation Web page.
5. After Installer completes the adapter installation, close the Installer.
6. Integration Server requires access to some SAP libraries. Place these libraries in Integration Server classpath as described below.
a. Download the latest 3.1 version of the following archive files from the SAP Support Portal of the SAP Service Marketplace:
Archive Files
Download from...
Connectors > SAP Java Connector > Tools and Services > SAP JCO Release
Connectors > SAP Java Connector > SAP Java IDoc Class Library > SAP Java Base IDoc Class Library
*Use version JCo 3.1.5 (or higher) and IDoc Library 3.1.1 (or higher).
*JCo 3.0.0, IDoc Library 3.0.0, and JCo version 2 are not supported.
*Install the Microsoft security patch as described in SAP note 2786882.
*On Windows platforms, JCo 3.1 requires the Visual Studio 2013 C/C++ runtime libraries to be installed on the system. If not present, download and install the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package from the Microsoft knowledge base article and select the package which corresponds to the used Locale and JVM bit-width (x64 for 64-bit or x86 for 32-bit).
b. Extract libraries from the archive files into the directories specified below:
From zip file
This file
To this directory
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\lib\
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmSAP\code\jars\static\
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmSAP\code\jars\static\
c. For UNIX installations, set the environment variables listed below to JCo library install path:
Environment Variable
Linux, Solaris
If older versions of the native libraries are in the path, remove them.
7. Start the host Integration Server.
8. If you are running Integration Server as a service, run register dll command to start Adapter for SAP. For information on installing Microsoft DLLs, see SAP note 0000684106.
JCo 3.1 requires the definition of the services and ports it is using in the etc/services file of the system where it is installed. On Windows, this file is located in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc directory.
The file determines the port and protocol for each service, and it must contain entries for all services used by SAP Java Connector(JCo). For example:

sapgw00 3300/tcp
sapgw01 3301/tcp
sapgw02 3302/tcp
sapgw03 3303/tcp
sapgw04 3304/tcp
sapgw05 3305/tcp
sapgw00s 4800/tcp
sapgw01s 4801/tcp
sapgw02s 4802/tcp
sapgw03s 4803/tcp
sapgw04s 4804/tcp
sapgw05s 4805/tcp
For more details, read the description in SAP note 0000052959.