Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Using IFR-XML Format with Adapter for SAP | Overview | Common Structure of Request and Response Documents
Common Structure of Request and Response Documents
To ensure a standardized exchange of business management data the overall structure of request and response documents is the same regardless of which interface type is called. Generally three different types of business documents can be distinguished:
*Request business documents that are identified by a root element that has the same name as the corresponding interface.
<doc:InterfaceName xmlns:doc="urn:…">
<!-- request specific data -->

*Response business documents that are sent back from the server if the request has been correctly executed. They are identified by a root element that has the concatenation of the interface name and the suffix .Response as its name.
<doc:InterfaceName.Response xmlns:doc="urn:…">
<!-- response specific data -->

*Exception business documents that are sent back from the server if application errors occurred during the execution of the request. They are identified by a root element that carries the concatenation of the interface name and the suffix .Exception as its name.
<doc:InterfaceName.Exception xmlns:doc="urn:…">
<!-- exception specific data -->
