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XML Format for Manually Defined IDocs
This is the structure of business documents for manually defined IDocs:
<EDI_DC40 SEGMENT="1">...</EDI_DC40>
Additionally, consider the following:
*The root element, which identifies the business document for an IDoc, has the same name as the corresponding IDoc type.
*The IDoc itself is encapsulated by the element <IDOC BEGIN="1"> ...</IDOC>.The element contains the attribute BEGIN with the fixed value "1".
*The IDoc control record is defined through the element <EDI_DC40 SEGMENT="1">...</ EDI_DC40>.
*Each IDoc segment is represented as a separate element that has the same name as corresponding IDoc segment. SAP segments usually have the prefix E1. These elements contain the attribute SEGMENT with the fixed value "1", which defines the beginning of the segment.
The element name for the fields within one segment are given by the name of the corresponding field. An XML document for an IDoc may contain empty fields. These fields are displayed as elements with the form <FieldName/>.
*The hierarchical structure of IDocs is represented by the structure of the XML document.
*The IDoc control record is handled in the XML document as a common segment.