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Structure of Exception Business Documents for BAPIs
If the function module cannot be executed, the execution ends with a function module exception and an exception business document is returned to the client. It describes only the error situation. In this case, export parameters of the function module are not included.
This is the structure of exception business documents for RFCs:
<!--Representation of the serialized exception-->
The representation of the function module exception as a serialized exception consists of the following XML elements:
XML Element
Name of the exception as defined in the function module interface.
The <Message> element contains information from the SY fields. Could be empty if the mapping was performed on an external middleware system.
Message text, which is defined for ID and number. In ABAP, evaluated with „message id... into.."
<Attributes> (optional)
  <V1> (optional)
  <V2> (optional)
  <V3> (optional)
  <V4> (optional)
Contains list of SY fields, which represent the variables of an error message.