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Exception Document for Return Tables
Return tables consist of one or more rows that have the same structure as a return structure. If the return table contains at least one message of type E (error) or A (abort), an exception business document is returned to the client that has the structure of a collection exception. This exception is named BapiError or BapiAbort depending on whether the most critical message in the return table is of type E or A.
The collection exception is identified by a standardized message which is similar for all return tables. The messages of the return table are displayed within the <Collection> element of the collection exception, which is a sub-element of the <Attributes> element.
Each single message of type E or A is displayed as an exception that is grouped within the <Collection> element in the form of a table. Single messages are displayed as exceptions in an exception table in accordance with the specification Serialization of ABAP Data in XML. Consequently, each exception is encapsulated in an <item> element that contains the exception data.
If, despite the error messages, the return table contains additional messages of type S, I, or W, these messages are displayed in a table of row type BAPIRET2 within a <Status> element, which is a sub-element of the <Attributes> element.
If a BAPI return table contains error messages, the following XML-elements comprise the resulting exception business document:
XML Element
Corresponding Information from the Return Parameter
„BapiError", if value of field TYPE is „E". „BapiAbort", if value of field TYPE is „A".
The three sub-elements contain a generic message that is used for all return tables (for example: "During the execution of the BAPI one or more errors occurred").
<Attributes> (optional)
<item> (optional)
XML representation of each error message within the return table. Within the <item> elements, the data of a single return message is displayed as a serialized exception object.
<Status> (optional)
<ID> (optional)
<TYPE> (optional)
<NUMBER> (optional)
<MESSAGE> (optional)
<MESSAGE_V1> (optional)
<MESSAGE_V2> (optional)
<MESSAGE_V3> (optional)
<MESSAGE_V4> (optional)
<LOG_NO> (optional)
<LOG_MSG_NO> (optional)
<PARAMETER> (optional)
<ROW> (optional)
<FIELD> (optional)
<SYSTEM> (optional)
<item> (optional)


The <Status> element contains a serialized table with row type BAPIRET2. Within the <Status> element, all return messages of type S, I, or W that are also returned in the BAPI return parameter are displayed.