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Exception Document for Return Structures
If the return parameter is a structure, the exception business document contains one single exception that is created from the information of the return message. The exception is named BapiError or BapiAbort depending on whether the return message is of type E or A.
The XML representation of a return structure consists of following sub-elements:
XML Element
Corresponding Information from the Return Parameter
„BapiError", if value of field TYPE is „E".
„BapiAbort", if value of field TYPE is „A".
<Message> (0..1)
Value of the ID field.
Value of the NUMBER field.
Value of the MESSAGE field.
<Attributes> (optional)
  <MESSAGE_V1> (optional)
  <MESSAGE_V2> (optional)
  <MESSAGE_V3> (optional)
  <MESSAGE_V4> (optional)
  <LOG_NO> (optional)
  <LOG_MSG_NO> (optional)
  <PARAMETER> (optional)
  <ROW> (optional)
  <FIELD> (optional)
  <SYSTEM> (optional)
The <Attributes> element contains the information of BARIRET2 as sub-elements that have the same names as the corresponding fields of the BARIRET2 structure.